Amplify your testing with more configurations!

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The OW2/Lutece Use-case

This case-study illustrates how CAMP can to run JMeter performance tests against multiple versions of the environment.

This case-study focuses on deploying the Lutece content management system. Lutece is common JEE application, that runs on a servlet container such as Tomcat and let users develop their own CMS systems. In this case study, Lutece use MySQL to store all content.

All case-studies are located in a separate Git repository, namely STAMP-project/camp-samples. You can fetch the case-study as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd camp-samples/ow2

The Required Inputs

The sample directory contains two main entities:

  1. the camp.yml file that defines what can vary in the OW2/Lutece orchestration.

  2. the template directory, which contains a template implementation of the orchestrations using Docker (and docker-compose).

The CAMP Model

The CAMP model (i.e., the camp.yml file) defines what can be varied in the orchestration. In this use-case, we focus on having multiple versions/configuration of the same components. We have identified three components, tests, lutece and storage. The tests component represents the node where the performance testing tool (JMeter) is deployed. The lutece component represents the Java web-app under test whereas the storage component represents the storage solution (MySQL).

    - PerfTests


    provides_services: [ PerfTests ]
    requires_services: [ Lutece ]
        file: tests/Dockerfile
      command: -n -t Forms-test.jmx -l Forms-test.jtl -e -o results
        format: jmeter
        location: results
        pattern: statistics.json

    provides_services: [Lutece]
    requires_services: [MySQL]
        file: lutece/Dockerfile

    provides_services: [MySQL]
          values: [ 5_6, 5_7 ]
            - targets: [ mysql/Dockerfile ]
              pattern: "FROM mysql:5"
              replacements: [ "FROM mysql:5.6", "FROM mysql:5.7" ]
        file: mysql/Dockerfile

The objective (i.e., the goal) is to get the performance tests up and running. This implies that the Lutece application is also up and running and, in turn, that the storage is ready too.

Here we define two components, namely lutece, the application server, and mysql, the database where data are stored. All components are implemented using a dedicated Dockerfile.

The Template

In order to build configuration that we can run, CAMP needs a template implementation of the orchestrations. This template must include:

  1. A docker-compose file, which illustrates the bindings and the configuration of each service.

  2. Dockerfile (and any other configurations) files for the services whose image must be built from scratch.

In this case, the template directory specifies the implementation of both the lutece and mysql component.

$ tree template
├── docker-compose.yml
├── lutece
│   ├──
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── pom.xml
├── mysql
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── sql-scripts
└── tests
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── Forms-test.jmx
    ├── Forms-test.jtl
    └── jmeter.log

The docker-compose.yml file simply defines how to deploy and connect lutece and mysql.

The lutece Dockerfile install the site-demo-mini web application in a Tomcat 8, running on top of a Java runtime environment (JRE) 8.

The mysql Dockerfile uses the site-demo-mini.sql to initialize the database using MySQL 5.

You can run the mysql container locally using the following commands:

$ docker run -p 3306:3306 --name ow2-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=whatever -d ow2/mysql
$ docker exec -it ow2-mysql bash
$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> show databases;

How to Generate All Configurations?

As for other case-studies, you can generate all possible configurations with the following command:

$ camp generate -d . --mode all

In this simple example, there are only two configurations, which are shown below:

Lutece Configuration

To better visualise these configurations, we can generate such an image using Graphviz and Image Magic as follows. The figure below illustrates these selected configurations.

$ find . -name "*.dot" | xargs -I file dot -Tpng file -o file.png
$ find . -name "*.png" \
   | tr '\n' ' ' \
   | montage  -label '%d/%f' @- -geometry 500x500 configurations.png

How to Realize the Configurations?

CAMP has generated configuration in the out directory. But so far, CAMP only generates a YAML file for each configuration that indicates how components are wired and their configurations.

To transform those into real Docker configurations that we can run, we invoke the following command:

$ camp realize -d .
CAMP v0.1.0 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 SINTEF Digital

Model loaded from './camp.yml'.
Searching configurations in './out' ...
 - Building './out/config_1' ...
 - Building './out/config_2' ...

That's all folks!

We can see that CAMP has generate modified the template for each configurations. For instance:

$ tree out
├── config_2
│   ├──
│   ├── configuration.yml
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── images
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── lutece_0
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── Dockerfile
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── pom.xml
│   │   ├── mysql_0
│   │   │   ├── Dockerfile
│   │   │   └── sql-scripts
│   │   │       └── dump.sql
│   │   └── tests_0
│   │       ├── Dockerfile
│   │       ├── Forms-test.jmx
│   │       ├── Forms-test.jtl
│   │       └── jmeter.log

Looking at the Dockerfile of Configuration 2, we can see that CAMP did carry out replacement to force the usage of MySQL 5.7, instead of MySQL 5.6 in Configuration 1.

FROM mysql:5.7


COPY ./sql-scripts/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

How to Test the Configurations?

At this stage, the configuration are ready to be executed. To runs the tests in all configurations, simply invoke camp execute as follows:

$ camp execute -d .
CAMP v0.6.3 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 SINTEF Digital

Loaded './camp.yml'.
Loading configurations from './out' ...

 - Executing ./out/config_1
   1. Building images ...
      $ bash (from './out/config_1/images')
   2. Starting Services ...
      $ docker-compose up -d (from './out/config_1')
   3. Running tests ...
      $ docker-compose run tests -n -t Forms-test.jmx -l Forms-test.jtl -e -o results (from './out/config_1')
   4. Collecting reports ...
      $ docker ps --all --quiet --filter name=config_1_tests_run_ (from './out/config_1')
      $ docker cp 708b84623ff9:/tests/results ./test-reports (from './out/config_1')
      Reading statistics.json
   5. Stopping Services ...
      $ docker-compose down --volumes --rmi all (from './out/config_1')

 - Executing ./out/config_2
   1. Building images ...
      $ bash (from './out/config_2/images')
   2. Starting Services ...
      $ docker-compose up -d (from './out/config_2')
   3. Running tests ...
      $ docker-compose run tests -n -t Forms-test.jmx -l Forms-test.jtl -e -o results (from './out/config_2')
   4. Collecting reports ...
      $ docker ps --all --quiet --filter name=config_2_tests_run_ (from './out/config_2')
      $ docker cp 22d4d293e73f:/tests/results ./test-reports (from './out/config_2')
      Reading statistics.json
   5. Stopping Services ...
      $ docker-compose down --volumes --rmi all (from './out/config_2')


Configuration                 RUN   PASS   FAIL  ERROR
./out/config_1                136    136      0      0
./out/config_2                116    106      1      9
TOTAL                         252    242      1      9

That's all folks!

We see that that 136 tests pass against the first configuration. By contrast, 116 tests were run against Configuration 2, 1 test failed and 9 raised errors.