Amplify your testing with more configurations!

View the Project on GitHub STAMP-project/camp


CAMP is an open source tool and we welcome any kind of contributions, from fixing typos in the documentation to fixing bugs in the code. We explain here:


The Source Code

Below is the overall organization of the source tree. The two main directories are camp and docs, which contain the Python source code and the documentation, respectively.

$ tree -L 1 .
├── camp                # Python Source code
├── Dockerfile
├── docs                # Documentation
├── modules             # Other tools, linked to the projects
├── requirements.txt    # Python dependencies
├── samples             # Example of how to use CAMP
├──            # Packaging
└── tests               # Python tests cases

The Documentation

This is the source directory of the CAMP companion website. It basically contains the documentation.

This a statuuuic website, which is generated by Jekyll behind the scene.

Here is the structure of the directory:

How run it on your local machine?

If you make changes to the site, you can visualize them by serving the site on your machine. We assume that Ruby and bundler are already installed.

$> bundle update
$> bundle install
$> bundle exec jekyll serve

The website is now accessible on your own machine.

Adding New Pages?

We’ve chosen to place new pages in the pages directory and link them to other pages or to the menu by editing the _data/menu.ymlas follows:

- name: CAMP
  url: index

- name: Getting Started
  url: pages/getting_started
    - name: Installation
      url: pages/installation

- name: Case Studies
    - name: XWiki
      url: pages/xwiki
    - name: CityGo
      url: pages/citygo
    - name: Awesome Case-study     # <-- Here I added a new menu entry
      url: pages/awesome           # No file extension

- name: Other
    - name: Publications
      url: pages/publications

Building and Developing


If you want to modify the CAMP source code, I recommend that you install it locally, including the Z3 solver, as explained in the setup instructions.

I recommend you first create virtual environment before to install CAMP and its Python dependencies, to avoid polluting your own Python installation.

$ virtualenv -p /usr/python2.7 .venv2.7
$ source .venv2.7/bin/activate

Then use pip install -eto install it in development mode, so that you see any changes you make in the source code when you run camp from the command line.

$ pip install -e .


The tests folder contains the tests—as the same says. You can use the standard setup script to run the tests as follow:

$ python test

I however recommend to use the Green tests runner that simplify visualizing results in the command line.

$ green -qfvv tests

It will stop after the first test that fails and capture the standard output if any.

Making Releases

We tried to automate as much as possible the release process. Here is the process:

  1. Add and commit your changes locally.
  2. Update the version number in the file camp/
  3. Update the ChangeLog in the documentation, in the file docs/pages/
  4. Add and commit these new changes locally.
  5. Tag this new commit with the version number as annotation as follows:
    $ git tag -a v4.2.5 -m "Releasing Version 4.2.5"
  6. Push these commit and the new tag using the command:

    $ git push --follow-tags

The CI server will detect the new tag and build and push new Docker images on Dockerhub.