Amplify your testing with more configurations!

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The CityGo Use-case

We describe here how to run CAMP on the CityGo use-case. In particular we explain:

  1. The layout of the required input files;
  2. The definition of variables in the CAMP model;
  3. How to generate configurations to cover all single variations;
  4. How to realize these configurations so as to run them with docker.

The related files are available in the GitHub repository, under samples/citygo.

$ git clone 
$ cd samples/stamp/atos

We assume hereafter that you already have CAMP up and running. If not, please refer to installation instructions. Note that the CityGo applications, is not open source, so you won’t be able to actually deploys and run it. We can however generate and realize the configurations.

The CityGO application is a Python web application running on top of the Django framework. The CityGo case-studies comes into flavours: functionals and performance tests.

The Performance Scenario

As explained above, in this scenario we run performance tests using JMeter. The source files for this scenario are available in the samples/stamp/atos/performance directory.

The CAMP Model

The main objective of this case study is to modify numerical variables, which governs the configuration of the Apache server. In the CAMP model (i.e., the file camp.yml), these variables are attached to the “apache” component, although the substitution will affect the Apache Server as defined in the docker-compose file.

The extract below show the apachecomponent and its three variables, namely thread_limit, threads_per_child and max_request_workers.

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        type: Integer
        values: [ 64, 128 ]
          - targets: [ docker-compose.yml ]
            pattern: "ThreadLimit=64"
            replacements: [ ThreadLimit=64, ThreadLimit=128 ]
        type: Integer
          range: [0, 128]
          coverage: 10
          - targets: [ docker-compose.yml ]
            pattern: ThreadsPerChild=25
            replacements: ["ThreadsPerChild={value}"]
        type: Integer
          - targets: [ docker-compose.yml ]
            pattern: MaxRequestWorkers=150
            replacements: ["MaxRequestWorkers={value}"]
        file: apache/Dockerfile

How to Generate All Configurations?

As for other case-studies, you can generate all possible configurations with the following command:

$ camp generate -d . --mode all


In general, the presence of an unbound variable, such max_request_workers entails an infinte number of configurations Here however, there are only 10 configurations.

There are three variables:

The CAMP model set the three following constraints:

  1. thread_limit > thread_per_child
  2. thread_per_child * 16 = max_request_worker
  3. (thread_per_child >= 100 and max_request_worker >= 200) or (thread_limit <= 64 and max_request_worker >= 2)

From Constraint 1 and the second part of Constraint 3, we know that thread_per_childmust be lower than thread_per_child, and therefore strictly lower than 64. This reduces its possible values to the range [0, 56]. From Constraint 2, max_request_worker must be above 2, and also equals 16 * thread_per_child, which rules out the value 0, leaving us with the range [8, 56].

From the first part of Constraint 1, we know that thread_per_child must be above 100, which adds up the range [104, 112, 120, 128]. But from Constraint 1, thread_per_child must strictly below thread_limit, which invalidate value 128.

We are left with 10 possible values for thread_per_child that are [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 104, 112, 120]. In addition, we need one configuration to test every single value, so we need 10 configurations.

How to Cover All Possible Variations?

To generate the set of configurations that cover all variations, we use the following commands:

$ camp generate -d . --mode covering
CAMP v0.1.0 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 SINTEF Digital

Model loaded from './camp.yml'.
Searching for configurations ...

 - Config. 1 in './out/config_1/configuration.yml'.
   Includes python, postgres, showcase (104, 1664, 128), ubuntu

 - Config. 2 in './out/config_2/configuration.yml'.
   Includes python, showcase (112, 1792, 128), postgres, ubuntu


 - Config. 10 in './out/config_10/configuration.yml'.
   Includes python, showcase (32, 512, 64), postgres, ubuntu

That's all folks!

CAMP found 10 configurations with various values for the three variables, all placed in the outdirectory:

$ tree out
├── config_1
│   ├──
│   └── configuration.yml
├── config_2
│   ...

To better visualise these configurations, we can generate PNG images using Graphviz and image magick as follows. The figure belows illustrates these selected configurations.

$ find . -name "*.dot" | xargs -I file dot -Tpng file -o file.png
$ find . -name "*.png" \
   | tr '\n' ' ' \
   | montage  -label '%d/%f' @- -geometry 300x300 configurations.png

How to Realize these Configurations?

CAMP has generated abstract configurations in the out folder. This means that CAMP has so far only generated a YAML file for each configuration. This YAML file only indicates how components are wired together and configured (i.e., variable settings). Those abstract configurations cannot be directly executed or deployed. CAMP first needs to “realize” them i.e. to link them to concrete, deployable artifacts (Docker configurations).

To transform abstract CAMP configurations into concrete Docker configurations which we can run, we first need to fill the template directory with means to deploy every component listed in the camp.yml file.

Note CAMP and docker-compose both describes service orchestrations, but they work at different granularity levels. docker-compose only bind together services and assumes that each service is a Docker image. By contrast, CAMP works with components that it assembles into software stacks, each stacks becoming a service, running in a separate container, as in the docker-compose file.

So the template directory must contains a docker-compose file, whose services must point towards the “top” component of each software stacks that CAMP generate.

So if we look at one specific abstract configuration that CAMP has generated, say Config 1 for instance, we see that Container 2 includes several components, that is citygo, running on top of python, running on top of ubuntu.


As usual, the template directory must provide installation material for every component of the camp.yml that is not implemented by a pre-existing Docker image. We therefore omit both the hub component and the ubuntu component.

We therefore create the following structure:

$ tree template -L 2
├── apache
│   ├── demo_site.conf
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── mpm_event.conf
├── browser
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └──
├── citygo
│   └── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── postgres
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── init-db.sql
│   └── postgresql.conf
└── python
    └── Dockerfile

In Container 2, CAMP will reassemble the components by creating an image where python is deployed on top of ubuntu, and then another image where the citygo app is deployed on top of those two. To do so we need Dockerfile with specific FROM statements that CAMP can override to assemble the component as it needs. For instance the Dockerfile of the citygo component looks like:

FROM camp/runtime

# Describe here how to install Citygo only. CAMP will replace the
# 'FROM' statement so that it points to an image that already includes
# both Python and Ubuntu.

RUN apt-get updrade \
    && ...

CAMP searches for FROM statements whose image name starts with camp/. By convention, we use ‘camp/runtime’, to emphasize that the FROM statement that CAMP will override at runtime.

Now, the services in the template ‘docker-compose’ must points towards single components in the template directory. When a service in the docker-compose file match a ‘stack’ assembled by CAMP, the docker-compose file must point towards the top component of the stack. For instance, in Container 2, the citygo service must point to the citygo component. For instance:

    build: ./citygo
    container_name: "my_web"
    restart: always
      - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=citygo_settings.settings
      - BROWSERNAME=chrome

Once the template directory contains all needed material to deploy all individual component, and the docker-compose file is consistent, we can invoke CAMP generate using the following command:

$ camp realize -d .
CAMP v0.6.3 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 SINTEF Digital

Model loaded from './camp.yml'.
Searching configurations in './out' ...
 - Building './out/config_5' ...
 - Building './out/config_3' ...
 - Building './out/config_7' ...
 - Building './out/config_4' ...
 - Building './out/config_1' ...
 - Building './out/config_8' ...
 - Building './out/config_6' ...
 - Building './out/config_9' ...
 - Building './out/config_10' ...
 - Building './out/config_2' ...

That's all folks!

We can see that CAMP has generated modified the template for each configurations. For instance:

$ tree -L 3 out/config_1
├── configuration.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
└── images
    ├── apache_0
    │   ├── demo_site.conf
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   └── mpm_event.conf
    ├── browser_0
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   └──
    ├── citygo_0
    │   └── Dockerfile
    ├── postgres_0
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   ├── init-db.sql
    │   └── postgresql.conf
    └── python_0
        └── Dockerfile

Note that CAMP has generated a specific shell script, which it will use to build the images needed for Container 2.

# Generated by CAMP. Edit carefully
# Build all images and set the appropriate tags
set -e
docker build --no-cache -t camp-python_0 ./python_0
docker build --no-cache -t camp-citygo_0 ./citygo_0
echo 'All images ready.'

Above, we see that this script will create images with specific tags and that this tags are placed into the FROM statement of the related Dockerfiles. For instance, the Dockerfile of the citygo_0 component contains:

FROM camp-python_0

# Describe here how to install Citygo only. CAMP will replace the
# 'FROM' statement so that it points to an image that already includes
# both Python and Ubuntu.

RUN apt-get updrade \
    && ...

The Functional Scenario

In the functional tests scenario, we focus on injecting architectural changes. We replace Apache with NGinx, we switch between alternative versions of both the Django framework and PostgresSQL database. We options we select are:

Modelling Variations in camp.yml

To keep things simple, we model change of version using variables. For instance, we add a variable named django to the citygo component, as follows.

    provides_services: [ CityGo ]
    requires_services: [ Postgres, Mongo ]
    requires_features: [ Python ]
        values: [ v1.10.2, v2.2.6 ]

We proceed in the same way for Postgres and for the option of the NGinx proxy.

Switching between Apache or NGinx translates in both component having the same signature: Both the apache and the nginx component provides the HttpProxy service and requires the CityGo service.

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        values: [on, off]
        file: nginx/Dockerfile

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        file: apache/Dockerfile

Generating Configurations

As shown in the figure below, camp generates 18 configurations using the followings command. We omit parts of the output for the sake of brevity.

$ camp generate -d . --mode all
CAMP v0.6.3 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 SINTEF Digital

Loaded './camp.yml'.

 - Config. 1 in './out/config_1/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, citygo (v1.10.2), apache, hub, postgres (v9), mongo, br...


 - Config. 18 in './out/config_18/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, nginx (True), citygo (v2.2.6), hub, mongo, browser, pos...
That's all folks!


Generation of a Covering Array

We may not be interested in testing every single configurations. Instead we may prefer to test every single options at least once. This finding a smaller number of configurations that use the two versions of Django, both apache and nginx, as well as the three version of Postgres.

CAMP can do this by computing a “covering array”, that is a small set of configuration where each option is used at least once. This yields 5 configurations. To do so, we proceed as follows

$ camp  generate -d . --mode covering
CAMP v0.6.3 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 SINTEF Digital

Loaded './camp.yml'.

 - Config. 1 in './out/config_1/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, hub, python, postgres (v9), citygo (v1.10.2), browser, ...

 - Config. 2 in './out/config_2/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, citygo (v2.2.6), hub, python, postgres (v10), browser, ...

 - Config. 3 in './out/config_3/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, citygo (v2.2.6), hub, postgres (v11), python, browser, ...

 - Config. 4 in './out/config_4/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, citygo (v2.2.6), hub, postgres (v11), python, browser, ...

 - Config. 5 in './out/config_5/configuration.yml'.
   Includes ubuntu, hub, python, citygo (v1.10.2), postgres (v10), browser,...

That's all folks!


Realisation of the Configurations

At first CAMP generates only models of configurations (as YAML files). To obtain deployable configurations, we must complete the variation model and detail how each variation must be enacted.

Switching Versions of Postgres

The version of Postgres we use is setup in the associated DockerFile, more precisely, in the FROM statement. We can switch version of postgres by simply modifying this FROM statement. We can therefore realise the variable we have created in the postgres component using a substitution, as follows:

    provides_services: [ Postgres ]
        values: [v9, v10, v11]
          - targets: [ "postgres/Dockerfile" ]
            pattern: "FROM postgres:9.3"
              - "FROM postgres:9.3"
              - "FROM postgres:10"
              - "FROM postgres:11"

Here, each value is associated with a different FROM statement. This realisation tells CAMP to search for the pattern FROM postgres:9.3 and to substitute it with the adequate replacement (replacements must be ordered according to the variable’s values).

Switching Version of Django

The Django framework comes as Python library, which is downloaded when we install the CityGo application. The version of the Django framework thus written down in the file requirements.txt, which defines the dependencies, as in the following example:


We can therefore switch between versions of Django by replacing the fragment Django==1.10.2. We do so by defining the realisation of the citygo component as a substitution:

    provides_services: [ CityGo ]
    requires_services: [ Postgres, Mongo ]
    requires_features: [ Python ]
        values: [ v1.10.2, v2.2.6 ]
          - targets: [ citygo/requirements.txt ]
            pattern: "Django==1.10.2"
              - "Django==1.10.2"
              - "Django==2.2.6"

Switching between Apache and NGinx

To switch between Apache and NGinx requires to modify the service orchestration, and in turn, the docker-compose file. To do so, we define two docker-compose file and we select the correct one when a given component is selected.

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        file: apache/Dockerfile
      - select: docker-compose-apache.yml
          - docker-compose-nginx.yml
        as: docker-compose.yml

With this realisation, attached to the Apache component, when CAMP realises a configuration that includes this component, it will select the file named docker-compose-apache.yml as the docker-compose.yml and discards the other one.

We proceed in the same way for the NGinx component:

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        values: [on, off]
        file: nginx/Dockerfile
      - select: docker-compose-nginx.yml
          - docker-compose-apache.yml
        as: docker-compose.yml

Activating GZip on NGinx

The GZip option is actually set as an environment variable passed to associated container, through the docker-compose.yml descriptor. We can therefore simply search for the pattern gzip=on and replace it when needed, as follows:

    provides_services: [ HttpProxy ]
    requires_services: [ CityGo ]
        values: [on, off]
          - targets: [ docker-compose.yml ]
            pattern: "gzip=on"
              - gzip=on
              - gzip=off
        file: nginx/Dockerfile

Once all the possible option are realize, we can build the configurations as follows:

$ camp realize -d .
CAMP v0.6.3 (MIT)
Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 SINTEF Digital

Loaded './camp.yml'.
Loading configurations from './out' ...
 - Built configuration './out/config_1.
 - Built configuration './out/config_2.
 - Built configuration './out/config_4.
 - Built configuration './out/config_3.
 - Built configuration './out/config_5.

That's all folks!